The Meaning Behind a First Look and a Few Things That Can Make It Even More Special

Last month, we got familiar with all the reasons why a first look is a fantastic idea (and still is, always is!). Today, though, we’re going to rewind a little bit and uncover more about its origins, because a first look is still a pretty modern practice. For as long as weddings have existed, ‘tradition’ has held that the bride and groom do not see each other prior to their ceremony. The original first look happened when the bride walked down the aisle, joining her soon-to-be spouse at the altar. Of course, so many customs and rites of passage have evolved, grown, and matured over hundreds (if not thousands) of years, including the very rigid construct of marriage and forever partnership, altogether, which only started getting more flexible over the last 10, maybe 15 years. A man and a woman exchanging vows is just one of many different types of unions possible today, and by no means is it the standard. So, while there are lots of things to love about tradition, we love tweaks to the script even more! 

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