Archive | Twin Lens Weddings

Artistic + Avant-Garde: Wedding Inspiration with a Modern Pink + Blue Touch

When the mood board reads “Avant-garde, retro, glam,” we tune in, IMMEDIATELY. Taking things to new heights, this team of creatives produced something wild and whimsical, yet modern and cool for Fancier Mag, and today they’re sharing it with us! Featuring a strict pink and blue palette, these hues are soft and feminine, while contemporary—you’ll […]

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Posted in Artistic, avant-garde, Elevate Events, Fancier Mag, Flowers for Dreams, Kimpton Journeyman, Milwaukee, Modern, Styled Photoshoots, Twin Lens Weddings, Wedding Inspiration, WisconsinComments Off on Artistic + Avant-Garde: Wedding Inspiration with a Modern Pink + Blue Touch

